GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) "Students are doing a lot of the work." Change voice. A lot of the work is done by students. A lot of work is being done by the students. A lot of work is being done by students. A lot of the work is being done by students. A lot of the work is done by students. A lot of work is being done by the students. A lot of work is being done by students. A lot of the work is being done by students. ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) A properly designed media programme uses radio for proper advertisement different sources of medium according to the type of the product a media which depends on the impulse television if the commodity is produced on a large scale radio for proper advertisement different sources of medium according to the type of the product a media which depends on the impulse television if the commodity is produced on a large scale ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) ઈ-ગવર્નન્સના મુખ્ય ચાર મૉડેલમાં નીચેના પૈકી કોનો સમાવેશ થતો નથી ? સરકારથી વહીવટતંત્ર સરકારથી નાગરિક સરકારથી વ્યવસાય સરકારથી સરકાર સરકારથી વહીવટતંત્ર સરકારથી નાગરિક સરકારથી વ્યવસાય સરકારથી સરકાર ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) Find the correct spelling: Etiquette Etiquete Atiquette Etequette Etiquette Etiquete Atiquette Etequette ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) "The exact number of people affected is difficult to ___ " Choose a phrasal verb to complete the sentence. dig up hammer out nail down paper over dig up hammer out nail down paper over ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) આ સંધિ જોડો : 'વિ + આયામ" વિરામ વિઆમ વ્યાયામ વિયામ વિરામ વિઆમ વ્યાયામ વિયામ ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP