GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) ગુજરાતમાં 'હૈડિયાવેરો' નામે વેરો નીચે પૈકીના કયા એક સત્યાગ્રહ સાથે સંકળાયેલો છે ? ખેડા સત્યાગ્રહ બોરસદ સત્યાગ્રહ ધરાસણા સત્યાગ્રહ બારડોલી સત્યાગ્રહ ખેડા સત્યાગ્રહ બોરસદ સત્યાગ્રહ ધરાસણા સત્યાગ્રહ બારડોલી સત્યાગ્રહ ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) The thieves ___ before the police arrived. had been running away ran away were running away had run away had been running away ran away were running away had run away ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) Three ___ shot dead. deers were deer were of deers were of deer were deers were deer were of deers were of deer were ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) Find the correct spelling: Etiquete Atiquette Etequette Etiquette Etiquete Atiquette Etequette Etiquette ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) We have a break of ___ for lunch. one and a half hour one and a half hours one and half hour one and half hours one and a half hour one and a half hours one and half hour one and half hours ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GPSC Programmer (Sahayak), GMDC (Class-3) (10-01-2021) સોલંકી વંશના કયા રાજાએ 'અભિનવ સિદ્ધરાજ' અને 'સપ્તમ ચક્રવર્તી' જેવા નામો ધારણ કર્યા હતા ? અજયપાલ ભીમદેવ બીજો બાળ મૂળરાજ કુમારપાળ અજયપાલ ભીમદેવ બીજો બાળ મૂળરાજ કુમારપાળ ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP