GSSSB ATDO Exam Paper (17-7-2021) / 181 ગુજરાત સરકારે તીવ્ર દિવ્યાંગતા ધરાવતી વ્યક્તિઓનો સર્વાંગી વિકાસ થાય તેમજ તેઓને નાણાંકીય સહાય પૂરી પાડી તેમનું સામાજિક પુનઃસ્થાપન થાય તે હેતુથી કઈ યોજના અમલમાં મૂકી છે? સંત સુરદાસ સહાય યોજના રવિશંકર મહારાજ સહાય યોજના મહાત્મા ગાંધી દિવ્યાંગ સહાય યોજના સંત રોહિદાસ સહાય યોજના સંત સુરદાસ સહાય યોજના રવિશંકર મહારાજ સહાય યોજના મહાત્મા ગાંધી દિવ્યાંગ સહાય યોજના સંત રોહિદાસ સહાય યોજના ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GSSSB ATDO Exam Paper (17-7-2021) / 181 Fill in the blank :Were the horse mine, I ___ it to the veterinary doctor.(will + show) will have shown will show will have showed would have shown will have shown will show will have showed would have shown ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GSSSB ATDO Exam Paper (17-7-2021) / 181 Frame question to get the underlined part as answer. Mr. Joshi taught science to his neighbours When does Mr. Joshi teach Science? Who taught Mr. Joshi Science? How does Mr. Joshi taught Science? Whom did Mr. Joshi teach Science? When does Mr. Joshi teach Science? Who taught Mr. Joshi Science? How does Mr. Joshi taught Science? Whom did Mr. Joshi teach Science? ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GSSSB ATDO Exam Paper (17-7-2021) / 181 Find out the correct sentence from the Following: He has too weak to stop his thoughts. He will to weak to stop his thoughts, He have too weak to stop his thoughts. He is too weak to stop his thoughts. He has too weak to stop his thoughts. He will to weak to stop his thoughts, He have too weak to stop his thoughts. He is too weak to stop his thoughts. ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GSSSB ATDO Exam Paper (17-7-2021) / 181 Fill in the blank : I cannot leave ___ the job is finished. until that but because until that but because ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
GSSSB ATDO Exam Paper (17-7-2021) / 181 1849 ઝાડ એ રીતે ઉગાડવાનાં છે કે જેટલી હરોળ છે તેટલા ઝાડ દરેક હરોળમાં થાય, તો કેટલી હરોળ બનાવેલી હશે ? 46 40 48 43 46 40 48 43 ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP