Talati Practice MCQ Part - 9 choose the one which best expresses the sane sentence in Indirect Speech "He said to her, "Are you coming to the party ?" He asked her if she was coming to the party. He asked her whether she was coming to the party. He asked her if she will be coming to the party. He told her if she was coming to the party. He asked her if she was coming to the party. He asked her whether she was coming to the party. He asked her if she will be coming to the party. He told her if she was coming to the party. ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 9 Have you ever read Valmiki's ___ Ramayana ? The A None of this An The A None of this An ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 9 એક કારખાનામાં 60 મજુરોની રોજગારીની સરાસરી રૂા.2000 છે. જો તેમાં તેમના સુપરવાઈઝરનો પગાર સામેલ કરવામાં આવે તો સરેરાશ વેતનમાં રૂ.80નો વધારો થાય છે. તો સુપરવાઈઝરનો પગાર કેટલો હશે. રૂા.6440 રૂા.6620 રૂ.6300 રૂા.6880 રૂા.6440 રૂા.6620 રૂ.6300 રૂા.6880 ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 9 ભારતીય રિઝર્વ બેન્કના ચિહનમાં કયું પ્રાણી છે ? મોર ચિત્તો સિંહ વાઘ મોર ચિત્તો સિંહ વાઘ ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 9 Which one of the following words, can not be used as 'an adverb' ? safety gracefully loudly safely safety gracefully loudly safely ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP