Talati Practice MCQ Part - 6 495માં 4ની સ્થાનકિંમત અને 4ની અંક કિંમતનો તફાવત કેટલો થાય ? 396 360 400 491 396 360 400 491 ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 6 Find out a correct spelling. Ventilatar Ventilator Ventiletor Ventelator Ventilatar Ventilator Ventiletor Ventelator ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 6 Find the correct word for : 'One who does job of driving other's car is ___' driver chef chauffeur owner driver chef chauffeur owner ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 6 યોગ્ય જોડકાં જોડો. a. પાઘડિયો ગ્રહb. સૌથી ચમકતો ગ્રહ c. ખૂબ જ ઠંડો ગ્રહ d. પૃથ્વીની જેમ ઋતુ પરિવર્તન કરતો ગ્રહ 1. શનિ 2. યુરેનસ 3. શુક્ર 4. નેપ્ચ્યુન b-3, c-2, a-1, d-4 d-2, a-3, b-4, c-1 a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1 c-1, a-2, d-3, b-4 b-3, c-2, a-1, d-4 d-2, a-3, b-4, c-1 a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1 c-1, a-2, d-3, b-4 ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 6 Let us finish this task tonight. (Change the voice) Let the task be finished by us that night Let the task be finished by us tonight Let the task be finish by we tonight Let the task be finished by we tonight Let the task be finished by us that night Let the task be finished by us tonight Let the task be finish by we tonight Let the task be finished by we tonight ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP