Talati Practice MCQ Part - 4 નીચેનામાંથી સૌથી મોટી સંખ્યા કઈ છે ? ³√9 ⁴√16 ⁶√80 √3 ³√9 ⁴√16 ⁶√80 √3 ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 4 ભારતનું સૌપ્રથમ ખાનગી માલિકીનું બંદર કયું છે ? ઘોઘા અલંગ મુંદ્રા પીપાવાવ ઘોઘા અલંગ મુંદ્રા પીપાવાવ ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 4 ભારતીય બંધારણ કુલ કેટલા ભાગમાં વહેંચાયેલું છે ? 20 22 28 23 20 22 28 23 ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 4 ભારતમાં બિંદાવન ગાર્ડન કયાં આવેલ છે ? કોર્ણક ઉદયપુર કર્ણાટક ઔરંગાબાદ કોર્ણક ઉદયપુર કર્ણાટક ઔરંગાબાદ ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP
Talati Practice MCQ Part - 4 Find the correct sentence. A necklace of pearls were found by a beggar belonging to a queen. A necklace of pearls belonging to a queen was found by a beggar. A necklace of pearls was found by a beggar belongs to a queen. A necklace of pearls was found by a beggar belonging to a queen. A necklace of pearls were found by a beggar belonging to a queen. A necklace of pearls belonging to a queen was found by a beggar. A necklace of pearls was found by a beggar belongs to a queen. A necklace of pearls was found by a beggar belonging to a queen. ANSWER DOWNLOAD GUJARATI MCQ APP